Coffee partners with KickCancer, aiming to consign cancer to the annals of history.

KickCancer is a remarkable charity with an inspiring mission. They are dedicated to curing every child afflicted with cancer. Their goal is to discover new treatments, enhance existing ones, and permanently eradicate children’s cancer, ensuring it never returns. 

At Coffee, we strive to add meaning to everything we do. This philosophy was vividly brought to life when I (Aurélien, Coffee co-founder) undertook a personal challenge, running 10 half-marathons in 10 days around Luxembourg to raise over €6500 for KickCancer. This experience not only inspired me but also underscored our commitment to meaningful action.

In alignment with our mission to provide individuals with concrete keys and actionable tools to empower them in making decisions that lead to an intentional life, we have introduced a charitable component to our platform.

This feature allows our experts to donate their earnings from consultations directly to KickCancer. When experts opt to support this cause, Coffee will contribute by waiving all service fees. The only costs incurred will be the minimal transaction fees associated with payments.

Through this initiative, we not only enrich the lives of our experts and users but also actively support a vital cause, making every consultation a step towards a greater good.

Other ways to support KickCancer

If you’re looking to support KickCancer in other ways, here are some options to consider:

    1. One-Time Donation:

Ready to make an immediate impact? You can find all the necessary details for a bank transfer on our online donation page. Your contribution is invaluable, and we thank you for your generosity!

    1. Recurring Donations:

Want to help sustain the efforts of the foundation? This consistent support helps us plan long-term initiatives and make a lasting difference. Setting up a recurring donation is simple and can be done online (here) or by setting it up in your online banking platform or app.
Using this information:

Beneficiary: King Baudouin Foundation

Bank account: BE10 0000 0000 0404


Communication: “*016/1960/00070*”

    1. Corporate Gifts or Sponsoring:

If you’re a company looking to make a significant contribution, you’re in the perfect place. Your support can manifest in two impactful ways. Please click here to explore the options and discover how your organization can join KickCancer’s mission to eradicate children’s cancer.

Thank you for considering these ways to support our cause and help us move closer to a world without childhood cancer!

You can find all the necessary information right here, conveniently at your fingertips.